Library Open Access dedicated to opening access to the refereed research literature online through author / institution self-archiving.

JISC Joint Information Systems Committee supports further and higher education by providing strategic guidance, advice and opportunities to use Information and Communications Technology to support teaching, learning, research and administration. JISC is funded by all the UK post-16 and higher education funding councils.

MathSearch from WolframMathWorld to search free resource built with Mathematica Technology.

Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination and preservation of electronic analogues to the traditional paper-based theses and dissertations. Collection = 15,20,858 records.

OAIster: 3,00,00,000 + digital resources from 1100 contributors are now provided by OCLC. Database Info

lops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. The Open Archives Initiative has its roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of increasing the availability of scholarly communication.

Open journal publishers SHERPA project is investigating issues surrounding the development and use of open access E-print repositories. RoMEO Project (Rights MEtadata for Open archiving) is funded by the Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.

OpenMED@NIC is a discipline based International Archive. It accepts both published and unpublished documents having relevance to research in Medical and Allied Sciences including Bio-Medical, Medical Informatics, Dental, Nursing and Pharmaceutical Sciences. These could be preprints (pre-refereed journal paper), postprints (refereed journal paper), conference papers, conference posters, presentations, technical reports/departmental working papers and theses. Submitted documents will be placed into the submission buffer and would become part of OpenMED archive on their acceptance.

Public Domain Resources supporting Law, Legal Education & Research NEW

Public Library of Science a world leading provider of freely accessible peer-reviewed online research information.

PubMed Central PubMed Central (PMC) is the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.

SciCentral Gateway to the best scientific research news sources.

Science and Development Network News, views and information about science, technology and the developing world.


Vidyanidhi – Digital Library and E- Scholarship Portal Indian ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) Collection

DSpace@GGSIPU E-Prints and ETD of GGS Indraprastha University Delhi

Alternate Site

Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre: 221 Universities uploaded 40,000+ full text thesis NEW

ShodhGangotri : Repository of Indian Research in Progress details (Synopses / Research Proposals for Ph.D. programme) (2117 Synopses uploaded) NEW