ADMISSIONS 2025-26: Admission Regulation

S.No. Particulars
1 Admission Regulatory Committee Members
  1. Shri Sanjeev Nandan Sahai, IAS (Retd.)
  2. Shri Anant Kumar, Engineer-in-Chief, PWD, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
  3. Prof. Sheila Rai, Chairperson, India Policy Foundation, New Delhi
  4. Dr. (Ms.) Amita Dev, Vice Chancellor, IGDTUW, Delhi
  5. Secretary, Department of Technical Education, GNCT of Delhi
  6. Secretary, Department of Health, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
  7. Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi
gazette notification for Admission Regulatory Committee


Contact Details for ARC 

  • Email Id: hearc [AT]
  • Phone: 011-41063140