Online Resources

Google Scholar enables us to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research. Use Google Scholar to find articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles available across web.

DELNET Networking Knowledge in South Asia; Delnet Online (user id: ggsipu & password: ipu115)

Search 1,62,59,492 books from Union Catalogue of 4614 Member Libraries.

Guidelines for UIRC Users for ILL and Document Delivery

Indian Medlars Centre A Centre jointly set up by NIC and ICMR to cater to the information needs of medical community of India. 38 full text journals are indexed in IndMED.

INFormation LIBrary NETwork INFLIBNET: A Gateway to India's Academic and Research  Community

Union Catalogue of 1,18,10,898 books & 2,20,206 theses from 123 and 238 universities respectively.

Intellectual Property Digital Library / WIPO provides access to intellectual property data collections hosted by the World Intellectual Property Organization. These collections include PCT (Patents), Madrid (Trademarks), Hague (Industrial Designs), Article 6ter (State Emblems, Official Hallmarks, and Emblems of Intergovernmental Organizations) etc.

Online Dictionary

SCIRUS a scientific search engine from Elsevier. A very comprehensive scientific research tool on the web. With over 410 million scientific items indexed.

Wikipedia the free content encyclopedia, 49,32,644 articles in English.

Wiki Books is a Wikimedia community for creating a free library of educational textbooks that anyone can edit. It began on July 10, 2003; since then it has grown to include 2,814 books with 52,271 pages in a multitude of textbooks.