Library Consortium

IEL Digital Library (37,07,749 Documents Online) (Titles = 278 (since Vol 1 Issue 1 + select content back to 1950) (Access type: Browsing – multiple access; Full text – Five concurrent users)

(B.)UGC-INFONET Download List of Journals under UGC-INFONET incl. Title, URLs & Coverage (Begin-End Year)

  Resources Accessible to UIRC (Publisher wise): Search e-journals and back files subscribed under UGC-INFONET

Knimbus - a single search window to content from multiple sources, ensuring optimum usage of all subscribed resources. Search 20,000+ journals from 23 sources like Academic Journals, Biomed Central, DOAJ, FAO online, Hathi Trust Open, Open Educational Resources, Open Courseware Consortium, PLOS, Shodhganga, Springer Open, T&F Open, Wiley Open, YouTube Educational Videos etc..

Aluka is now integrated with JSTOR - an international, collaborative initiative, building an online digital library of scholarly resources from and about Africa.

American Chemical Society (37 Journals) Papers from original Chemistry since 1896 onwards

American Institute of Physics (15 Journals) The American Institute of Physics is a 501(c)(3) membership corporation chartered in New York State in 1931 for the purpose of promoting the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare.

American Physical Society (10 Journals) The American Physical Society was founded on May 20, 1899, when 36 physicists gathered at Columbia University for that purpose. In 1913, the APS took over the operation of the Physical Review, which had been founded in 1893 at Cornell, and journal publication became its second major activity. The Physical Review was followed by Reviews of Modern Physics in 1929, and by Physical Review Letters in 1958. Over the years, Physical Review has subdivided into five separate sections as the fields of physics proliferated and the number of submissions grew.

Annual Reviews (33 Journals) Founded in 1932, Annual Reviews provides researchers, professors, and scientific professionals with a definitive academic resource in 29 scientific disciplines. Annual Reviews saves you time by synthesizing the vast amount of primary research literature and identifying the principal contributions in your field. Annual Reviews publications are among the highest cited publications by impact factor according to the Institute for Scientific Information® (ISI). Archival access for last ten years.

Blackwell -Wiley (908 Journals) Blackwell Synergy is the online journals service from Blackwell Publishing. It holds the content for most of Blackwell's journals, the majority of which are published on behalf of international scholarly and professional societies. Since 1997 onwards

Cambridge University Press (224 Titles) Since 1997 onwards

Economic & Political Weekly Since 1966 i.e. Vol.1 Issue 1 + NEW

Institute of Physics (46 Journals) Since 1899 onwards i.e. Vol.1 Issue 1 +

ISID Online Database 224 Indian Social Science Journals in the field of economics, finance, management, business, health, education, sociology and a number of other social science subjects. Nearly, 2.05 lakh references has been added to the database till date.

Besides this it offers Press Clippings, Union Budget Speeches, Economic Survey Review Chapters, National Policy Documents, Indian Statistical Indicators, International Statistical Indicators etc.

J-Gate Custom Content for Consortia (JCCC) JCCC is a customized internet solution to clients to maximize the usage of the journals they subscribe under consortium. It acts as an internal database of all articles published in these subscribed journals for searching and finding the contents in these journals. Under JCCC user can get access to union list of 7863 consortia subscribed journals, library subscribed journals and open access journals (Indian and Foreign Journals). Using JCCC, the users may reap benefits of Inter Library Loan and document delivery services of UGC-INFONET through 21 IIL libraries.

J-STOR (2585 Journals) Since Vol 1 Issue 1. Humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as select monographs and other materials valuable for academic work. The entire corpus is full-text searchable, offers search term highlighting, includes high-quality images, and is interlinked by millions of citations and references. The most recently published issues (past 3-5 years) are not available.

Oxford Journals Online (198 Journals)

Project Muse (500+ Journals) Since 1999 onwards.

Royal Society of Chemistry (29 Journals and 06 database & databanks). More than 150 years of essential research, 1.2 million pages of groundbreaking chemical science in a single archive, Access to the full text of more than 200,000 original articles published since 1841.

ScienceDirect (1036 Journals) from 10 Subject Bundles from Agriculture, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Immunology, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Social Sciences and Engineering. Details of Journals and their coverage

Springer Link (1389+ Journals). Since 1997 onwards

Access to 10 subject libraries namely Biomedical & Life Sciences, Behavioral Sciences, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics, Chemistry and Material Science, Environmental Science, Business & Economics, Humanities, Social Science and Law.

Taylor and Francis (1079 Journals) 10 years back files

Urkund AntiPlagiarism Software NEW Information from INFLIBNET

Web of Science (with back file of last ten years) is world's leading citation database.

(C.)Digital Library of India

It is proposed to create the Digital Library with a free-to-read, searchable collection of one million books, predominantly in Indian languages, available to everyone over the Internet. This portal will also become an aggregator of all the knowledge and digital contents created by other digital library initiatives in India.