USMS : Notices / Circulars

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Notice regarding signing of Registration Chart, Students of Executive MBA Programme on weekend basis
Office Order - Designated Course Coordinator wrt B.Com.(Hons) and Integrated Five Year BBA-MBA programme
Invitation for Students Members of IIC-GGSIPU
Advertisement for the Recruitment of Research Associate, Research Assistant for Collaborative Research Project on Longitudinal Studies in Social and Human Sciences funded by ICSSR
Payment of Annual Fee for Executive MBA programme on Weekend Basis 3rd Semester Students for Academic Session 2024-25
Orientation Programme for MBA (Gen) / MBA (Financial Analysis / MBA Analytics)
Orientation Programme for BBA/B.Com (Hones), USMS
Notice regarding commencement of class for MBA(Gen) / MBA (Financial Analysis) / MBA (Analytics / BBA / B.Com (H), USMS
Letter regarding Student Concession Bus Pass for the Academic Session 2024-25
Slots availability of approved supervisors in Ph.D. (Management) for Academic Session as on 31-05-2024

Previous Notices/ Circulars >>>>