Workshop on Importance of International Law
Shubhdeep Singh
The University School of Law and Legal Studies, in collaboration with ‘Rainmaker’, is organizing a workshop on International Law. The workshop will be held at the C Block Seminar Hall at 11:30 am on the 21st of January, and will be open to all students of USLLS. The workshop will be conducted by Professor Ken Randall, CEO/President iLaw Ventures, Provost of Charlotte School of Law & Arizona Summit. The workshop will discuss the widening ambit of international law and its growing importance in India today. Prof. Randall will discuss not only the expanding intersection of international law and domestic law, but also the way that legal education in the USA is attempting to encompass and integrate its own law, international law and the law of national legal systems. Given his expertise on the subject, Prof. Randall will speak about the current cross-border transaction scenario in India and globally. Interested students are advised to come in formals and attend the workshop as per the schedule.
- For more details, you can contact
- Dr. Ravinder Kumar,
- In-Charge, Placement & Internship Cell,
- USLLS at placementcelluslls@gmail.com.