Inaugural Ceremony of 11th Annual Sports Meet 2014
By Nikita Varma

The 11th Annual Sports Meet 2014 of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University was a three day event, inaugrated on 13th November, 2014 in the University Campus. The Chief guest at the event was Kirtivardhan Azad, presently the Member of Parliament from Darbhanga (Bihar) who had played for India in the 1983 Cricket World Cup. In his speech he shared his childhood memories and shared his views on the importance of sports in an individual's life. The ceremony was addressed by Prof. C.S. Rai, the Director of Students' Welfare, who encouraged the students to devote adequate time and actively participate in sports. He talked about how sports are necessary for one’s physical as well as mental development. The ceremony was progressed by the Lamp Lighting Ceremony in which the girls of USS sang the Saraswati Vandhana.
The flag was hoisted by the Chief Guest and was followed by the National Anthem. The event was attended by all the Deans of the University Schools of Studies as well as Directors and Deans of the other colleges that participated in the Sports Meet. The first event of the sports meet was the March Past, with 53 colleges participating in it. St. Stephens Hospital College of Nursing won the first position, followed by Army college of Medical Sciences. Aditya, Himanshu Gupta and Sumit Shaukeen volunteered the Baton.
The Meet was sponsored by Hero Cycles, Khushi Properties & Developers and Experion.
Athletics : Feeling Life In The Fast Lane
Discus Throw
By Nikita Varma

The Discus Throw event was held on 14th November as part of the 11th Annual Sports Meet of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. It is a routine part of most modern track-and-field meets at all levels and is a sport which is particularly iconic of the Olympic Games. The very exciting game started in the afternoon and was organised in two categories – women and men. In the women’s event, Srishti Vig from NIEC was declared first followed by Misha Ahuja from MAIT and then Jyoti Yadav from BCIPS. Srishti Vig, a true athlete, was also the winner of Shot Put Women. In the men’s category, Avendra Pratap Singh from AIMT was declared the winner, followed by Rohit Malik from AIACTR and Deepesh Vats from IIMT. On a whole, the event was a success and the prizes were distributed to the winners at the time of prize distribution ceremony.
Long Jump

The 11th Annual Sports Meet was held with various types of sports and games being organized for the students of various colleges, so that they could participate and express their love for sports. One such event was Long Jump, which was held for both women as well as men. There were a total of 113 participants, men and women combined. The winner of the women’s event was Archana Thomas from St. Stephen’s Hospital College of Nursing with Pooja from NIEC coming second. In the men’s category, Akshay Kumar from HMRITM stood first, followed by Nishant Singh from IINTM and Mohit Kumar from DIRD in the second and third positions. The event was full of fun and the contestants gave their all to win the game. But more than winning it’s all about giving your best.
Shot Put
By Surbhi Jain(USMC)

GGSIPU’s Sports Meet is a sports festival organized by the University every year at the Dwarka Campus. The 11th Annual Sports Meet was held from 13th to 15th November, 2014 in the college premises. The three day long affair had a range of exciting sports events to thrill. The Shot Put event was on the first day of the meet. The men’s event was at 11.30am while the women’s event took place at 2.00pm. A total of 113 students registered for the event. The event started with much zest and zeal. The crowd showed their support through cheers and applause increasing the level of enthusiasm in the participants. There were 70 male and 43 female participants.
Abhay Mahajan from ALSD came first with Pankaj Sethia from TIPS winning the silver medal and Dikshant Singh from HMRITM bagged the third position. In the women’s category Srishti Vig from NIEC won the gold medal, Vagesha Chauhan from VKA won the silver and Jyoti from BCIPS bagged the bronze medal.
When asked for his thoughts, Abhay said, “It feels amazing. Finally all the hard work paid off!†Upon being questioned about her feelings after winning, Srishti said, “It’s a proud moment not only for me but for my College as well.â€
100 Metre Race
By Priyanka Gupta(USMC)

The 11th Annual Sports Meet 2014 of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University saw immense talent in various fields of sports. Students left no stone unturned to show the best within themselves. 100mtr race held in the premises witnessed participation of both men and women. A total of 92 men and 54 women registered themselves for the event. In the men’s category, Mohit from DIRD secured first position followed by Abhay of NIEC who came second with Vishnu of AIMT bagging the third position. In the women’s category, Kaveri K. Ram of NIEC finished first, Priyanka Arora of BPIBS came second and Naindeep Kaur of AIE won the third position. Overall, the event saw great enthusiasm and dedication towards sports and fitness. All the spectators commended the efforts of the coordinators.
4 x 100m Relay Races
By Ayush Arya (USMC)

4x100 metres relay race marked one of the final events of the 11th Annual Sports Meet. The heats for the event was organised on Saturday, the second day of the sports meet with the final event taking place on Sunday. The event saw a significant number of teams participating in both the categories, men’s and women’s. In the men’s category the first prize was won by Devendu, Abhay, Mohit and Punit who were from NIEC; Aashish, Mohit, Nitin and Anigya from DIRD won the second prize; and the third prize was bagged by Anmol, Lokendra, Jatin and Sameer of USS. In the women’s category it was Ritu, Naindeep, Inderpal and Swati who won the first prize for Amity Institute of Education; Vandana, Archana, Tripti and Feba of St. Stephen’s Hospital won the second prize. Swati, Neha, Kavita and Charu of Banaridas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies went home with the third prize.
200 Metre Race
By Gayatri Arora(USMC)

IP University recently organised its 11th Annual Sports Meet at the Dwarka campus. Many sports events like cricket, football, races of various types, long jump, shot put, discus throw, triple jump etc. were organised during the three-day mega sports conclave. The solemn oath taking ceremony was followed by the lighting of the torch by the Vice Chancellor of the University. Students participated in the track and field events with great excitement.
The Sports Meet witnessed lots of entertaining sports activities and amongst them was the 200m Race. Students from various colleges took part in the race and ran on the track with all their heart and might. The 200m race was part of the first day of the sports meet which was held on the 13th of November. The race included both men’s as well as women’s categories.
The event was full of energy and people were in high spirits. The Participants and the cheering crowd created a frolicsome atmosphere. The students gave spectacular performances, which spoke of discipline and sportsmanship within them.
Vice chancellor of the University, Prof.Anil K.Tyagi, presided over the function. According to the Directorate of Students’ Welfare of the university, around 5,000 students from 11 university schools and 111 affiliating institutes of the university participated in this mega sports event.
400 Metre Sprint
By Neil Vardhan(USMC)

Held from 13th to 15th November, 2014 the Annual Sports Meet of IPU saw participants from various colleges affiliated with the University. One of the most exciting events under the Sports Meet was the 400 metres sprint race. All of the 47 athletes, 37 men and 10 women, who had registered for the race, got the chance to run in the heats of their respective category. All the participants performed well but only the top runners managed to grab a position in the finals.
In the men's category finals Aashish Maan from DIRD won the gold with Ajay Yadav from MERI and Abhay from BPIBS winning the Silver and Bronze medals respectively. Despite being fewer in number, the girls were no less than the boys in their hard work, performance and strength. Aarushi Arya from HMRITM bagged the gold medal in the final race. Vidhaya Shri of AIMI came in second winning the silver medal and Divita Vyas from ALSD won the bronze medal. The other racers were rewarded with a participation certificate.In the end the three day long Annual Sports Meet of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University ended on a high note spreading the message of sportsmanship and encouraging sports at the University level.
800 Metre Race
By Nivedita Singh
800 metre race for girls and boys was one of the most awaited events for day one and it started with a lot of fun and enthusiasm. There were 93 participants for the boys’ race and 22 for the girls’ category. All the participants looked very excited on the ground. The girls’ race was held first, starting with the referee’s whistle. The first one to finish the race and grab the first position was Aarushi from HMRITM. Following her on the track, the second position was taken by Komal from AIE and Divita from ALSO came in at the third position. For men’s 800 metre race, Ashish Mann from DIRD came first, while Sachin Kumar from MSIT came second and third position was acquired by Yogesh Bhatt of NIEC.
The best part of this event was that one could see and learn sportsmanship in the field. "It was a great experience for me and I am thankful to GGSIPU for giving such a platform to students and contributing towards the uplifting of sports culture in society " said Ashish, winner of the 800 metre men’s race. Sharing her experience, komal, who came second, said," Constant practice and hard work is the key to win any race in life."
The race ended with the announcement of the winners by the officials.
1500 Metre Race
By Azad Khan
"A runner runs against himself, against the best that’s in him…against all the rottenness in the world.†<<
With this spirit, to test the endurance of students, a 1500 metres race was conducted as part of the 11th Annual Sports Meet of the University. The event took place in the main ground on the second day of the meet. Students from various colleges participated with enthusiasm, trying their best to be the first ones to cover the distance. The turn up for the event was quite high as many students registered to show their love for running. The race promoted the spirit of never giving up and to keep on running through the ups and downs in life. The event was well organised and everyone present commended the coordinators for their efforts.
5km Race
By Renu Koundal(USMC)
On the first day of the Annual Sports Meet, high levels of energy and enthusiasm were visible and the spirit of sportsmanship filled the hearts of everyone. All the students, especially the participants, were really excited about the event. Around 58 students from different colleges participated in the 5km race, which was divided into two categories: men’s and women’s.
In the men’s category 53 students participated in the event. When the race started the entire audience encouraged the runners with loud applause and cheering. Competitors from various colleges tried their best to win the race. A sporty environment could clearly be seen all over the field. In the men’s category Yogesh Bhatt from NIEC stood first, Sandeep Kumar from TIPS got the second position and Rakesh Sharma from VIPS came in at the third position. In the women’s category only five students took part in the event. Vidya Shree from AIMT bagged the first prize, earning herself a hard win, while Priyanka Singh from AIE got the second position and Srishti Jain from NIEC came third.
The whole event was successfully managed by the volunteers and the coordinators. It was an event with a perfect mix of enthusiasm, dedication and the fight to win.
10km Race
By Radhika Vakil

The 10 km race is a long distance road running competition that tests the stamina and endurance of participants. Also referred to as the 10K race, or simply 10K, it is one of the most common types of road running events, alongside the half marathon and marathon. It is usually distinguished from the 10,000 metres track running by stating the distance in kilometres, rather than metres.
As one of the shortest common road distances, many 10K races attract a high level of participation. Even the 10 km Race Event held during the Sports Meet had many enthusiiastic runners participating. The popularity of the 10K race was due to the fact that the distance is long enough to represent a challenge to the participants, but short enough to remain accessible for an untrained runner. The 10K event is an annual fixture of the University’s Sports Meet as a way of promoting physical fitness among students. This year, Sandeep from TIPS, Anuj Kumar from ACMS and Rohit Kumar Pandey from C-DAC held the top three positions.
By Malvika Verma(USHSS)

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.â€
-Michael Jordan
The above quote accurately describes all the basketball teams that participated in the 11th Annual Sports Meet of GGSIPU held from 13th to 15th November, 2014. The entire event was an amalgamation of various physical activities, starting with the March Past and including various other sports and events such as Shot Put, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Races, Chess, Tug of War, Cricket, Volley Ball, Basketball and Football.
Basketball is a game of sheer enthusiasm that encourages teamwork and simultaneously builds every player’s individual spirit as well. The tournament was well appreciated by the audience and well played by the participants. There were teams; there was a huge crowd of supporters; there were slogans, hootings, claps and what not, all adding to the excitement of the event.
A total of 29 teams took part in the Men’s Basketball tournament, out of which the winning team was from Amity Law School of Noida with the team from USS as the runners-up. The girls were no less in establishing their triumph on the ground. There were 16 teams in the Women’s Basketball tournament, where USS was the winning team and BPIT were the runners-up. It was evident that there was no limit to the ecstasy of the winning teams as they walked away from the court.
By Somya Khera(USMC)

The above quote accurately describes all the basketball teams that participated in the 11th Annual Sports Meet of GGSIPU held from 13th to 15th November, 2014. The entire event was an amalgamation of various physical activities, starting with the March Past and including various other sports and events such as Shot Put, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Races, Chess, Tug of War, Cricket, Volley Ball, Basketball and Football.
Basketball is a game of sheer enthusiasm that encourages teamwork and simultaneously builds every player’s individual spirit as well. The tournament was well appreciated by the audience and well played by the participants. There were teams; there was a huge crowd of supporters; there were slogans, hootings, claps and what not, all adding to the excitement of the event.
A total of 29 teams took part in the Men’s Basketball tournament, out of which the winning team was from Amity Law School of Noida with the team from USS as the runners-up. The girls were no less in establishing their triumph on the ground. There were 16 teams in the Women’s Basketball tournament, where USS was the winning team and BPIT were the runners-up. It was evident that there was no limit to the ecstasy of the winning teams as they walked away from the court.
By Shivam Pandey(USMC)

गà¥à¤°à¥ गोबिंद सिंह इनà¥à¤¦à¥à¤°à¤ªà¥à¤°à¤¸à¥à¤¥ यूनिवरà¥à¤¸à¤¿à¤Ÿà¥€ में चल रहे ‘सà¥à¤ªà¥‹à¤°à¥à¤Ÿà¥à¤¸ फेसà¥à¤Ÿâ€™ 2014 के तहत हà¥à¤ फà¥à¤Ÿà¤¬à¥‰à¤² पà¥à¤°à¤¤à¤¿à¤¯à¥‹à¤—िता में दूसरे दिन महिला वरà¥à¤— का फाइनल मैच खेला गया , जबकि तीसरे दिन पà¥à¤°à¥à¤· वरà¥à¤— का फाइनल मà¥à¤•à¤¾à¤¬à¤²à¤¾ हà¥à¤†. पà¥à¤°à¥à¤· वरà¥à¤— में विवेकानंद इंसà¥à¤Ÿà¤¿à¤Ÿà¥à¤¯à¥‚ट ऑफ़ पà¥à¤°à¥‹à¤«à¥‡à¤¶à¤¨à¤² सà¥à¤Ÿà¤¡à¥€à¤œ (vips) ने खिताब जीता, वही महिला वरà¥à¤— में यूà¤à¤¸à¤à¤¸ ने फाइनल मà¥à¤•à¤¾à¤¬à¤²à¤¾ जीता.
महिला वरà¥à¤— के फाइनल मैच यूà¤à¤¸à¤à¤¸ और वासà¥à¤¤à¥ कला अकादमी के बीच खेला गया, जिसमे यूà¤à¤¸à¤à¤¸ की टीम ने वासà¥à¤¤à¥ कला अकादमी को 2-1 से हराकर खिताब अपने नाम किया. पहले हाफ में दोनों टीम का सà¥à¤•à¥‹à¤° 1-0 था जिसमे यूà¤à¤¸à¤à¤¸ à¤à¤• गोल से आगे थी. मैच के दूसरे हाफ में वासà¥à¤¤à¥ कला अकादमी ने à¤à¤• गोल करके मैच को 1-1 से बराबरी में ला दिया. खेल के अंतिम तीस सेकंड में यूà¤à¤¸à¤à¤¸ ने à¤à¤• और गोल मारकर मैच में 2-1 की अजय बढ़त बना ली.
तीसरे दिन पà¥à¤°à¥à¤· वरà¥à¤— के फाइनल मà¥à¤•à¤¾à¤¬à¤²à¥‡ में विपà¥à¤¸ की टीम ने यूà¤à¤¸à¤à¤¸ को फाइनल मà¥à¤•à¤¾à¤¬à¤²à¥‡ में 1-0 से हराकर खिताबी जंग जीती. पहले हाफ में दोनों टीम की तरफ से कोई गोल नही हà¥à¤† और दोनों टीम का सà¥à¤•à¥‹à¤° 0-0 की बराबरी पर था. दूसरे हाफ में विपà¥à¤¸ की टीम ने गोल दागकर मैच में 1-0 की अजय बढ़त बना ली और खिताब अपने नाम कर लिया.
इस मौके पर दरà¥à¤¶à¤•à¥‹ ने à¤à¥€ मैच का पूरा लà¥à¤¤à¥à¤«à¤¼ उठाया. और दोनों टीम के समरà¥à¤¥à¤•à¥‹ ने अपनी अपनी टीम की हौसला अफजाई की.
Tug of War
By Himani Kapil(USMC)

One of the most awaited events, the Tug of War, was held on the second day of the Sports Meet. It was held after lunch, so that the participants could eat and build up their strength. The event was divided into two categories – men’s and women’s.
The men’s competition was won by the team from RDIAS, followed by DIRD and USS in the second and third positions respectively. SMES won the first position in the women’s category, with DIRD coming second and SSH bagging the third position. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by both the participants as well as the cheering spectators.
By Azad Khan

The participants, volunteers, staff and supporters witnessed a very exciting yet, tough match of Volleyball, played in the grounds of GGSIPU. The University hosted its 11th Annual Sports Meet from 13th to 15th November, 2014. During this 3 day event, a lot of sports were played with utmost sportsmanship and so was volleyball. The matches began a couple of months before the main event. Only the finals for both the categories (Men and Women) were held on the second day of the meet. The first match scheduled for the day was Volleyball (women) which was played between the teams from USS and NIEC. Though USS lost the match, the game was played equally well from both sides. But as there could only be one winner, one of the teams had to lose.
In the men’s category, USS took its revenge by winning the match played against NIEC. The crowd applauded and cheered for their favorite teams. The pressure to win was high on both sides, and one could clearly see how badly both teams wanted to win. Both the teams gave their best till the last minute of the match, and USS emerged victorious with a well deserved victory.
“It was great winning the title. The other team played quite well too; it was a tough competition but we had to win the game at any costâ€, said Krishan Pratap, of the USS team.
By Neha Sinha(USHSS)

The Directorate of Students’ Welfare of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University organized the 11th Annual Sports Meet 2014, which was held from 13th to 15th November 2014. Chess is described as a science, an art and a sport. It has the virtue of being completely free of the element of luck, that is, the result of each game depends entirely upon the skill of the players. And this skill was found in abundance in the enthusiastic participants from various colleges. Around 200 players participated in the knock out rounds. Ritesh and Nancy stood first in men and women’s category respectively defeating the previous year’s winners. Apart from the players that participated, there was a dedicated team of coordinators who volunteered for the first time but did an appreciative work. The sports meet was a successful event with a cheerful audience that energized the players.
By Anukriti Jain(USICT)

Cycling race was organised by Hero cycles in Indraprastha university in college premises. Arjuna award winner and a well known personality,Vishal Bhardwaj came to encourage the students. Students participated with full enthusiasm in the race event.
Aditya Rao and Shubhu Malik were the winners of this prestigious event. It was the 11th sports meet organized in the campus with over 50 games. It was a 3 day event with over 11 universities and 111 affiliated colleges participating. Over 5000 students participated with zeal and zest to succeed.
Lawn Tennis
Tennis is an evergreen sport played by people of all ages at all levels of society. The excitement of the game was witnessed by the students and staff of IPU during the 11th Annual Sports Meet. The competition was held in three categories –Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles and Men’s Doubles.
Akshay Singh of ALS grabbed the first position in the men’s singles category, Shivam Singh of USS stood second and Ayushman of USS won the third position. In the women’s singles category, Divita Vyas of ALS came first, Tvisha Bhatt of ALS second and Shriya of USS grabbed the third position. Coming to the men’s doubles category, the first and second positions were bagged by Shivam and Ayushman of USS and Akshay and Ishat of ALS, respectively.
The game was played with true sportsmanship. Students cheered for their favorite contestants and boosted their confidence. The whole event was successfully managed by the volunteers and the coordinators.
Table Tennis
By Surbhi Jain

Table tennis is the most popular indoor sport in the world. It is a sport which anyone can enjoy irrespective of their age and attributes. Though as a viewer, it seems to be quite a simple game, but while playing you realise that it is one of the hardest and most physically demanding of all sports. The event was held on the second and third days of the 11th Annual Sports Meet. 16 participants registered for the men’s singles category, with 10 teams taking part in the doubles category. While 12 participants played in the women’s singles category.
The top three positions in T.T. Singles Men were bagged by Annchit Khanna from HMRITM, Abhishek from JIMS Kalkaji and Varun from JIMS Vasant Kunj, respectively. Kaushal Malik-Bhavya Bhardwaj from MSI, Vivek-Surajit Mandal from Amity and Rohan Tyagi-Aviral Kazara were the respective winners of T.T. Doubles Men. Raashi Sharma won the gold in the women’s category with Anjali Gambhir from ISIC coming second and Barkha coming third.
On bagging the title Raashi said, “I feel that I am in peak condition, but I am grounded at this moment. There is a lot more to achieve after this.†All the participants showed true sportsmanship. The team which lost took their loss well and said, “Any game is all about winning and losing. If one team wins then other has to lose. But never mind, there is always next time.â€