Archisha: A Ray Of Light

Neha (USMC)
Diwali is a festival of lights, happiness & joy. It is one of the biggest & brightest festivals of India. ARCHISHA which means a ray of light, was the Diwali Mela organised by the students of USMS on 21st October 2014.
The idea behind Archisha, was to spread happiness and joy. Starting with the events, the Rangoli competition marked the beginning of the Diwali Mela at 9 am. Three groups participated in the competition and made very colourful & vibrant Rangolis. The winners were announced on the spot. All the faculty members & students present at the venue gathered to create a magnificent sight by lighting the Lamps & Diyas at the entrance of USMS.
To test the knowledge of the young generation about our culture & history, a Ramayana Quiz was conducted by the students of USMS. There were ten teams with two contestants in each team. The winners were Seep Jain & Shivani Negi. It was really good to know that students actually know a lot about our heritage and mythology.
After this mental test, the students had to go through a physical fitness test. A Tug Of War was held between MBA (FM) and MBA (general). As winners, we had MBA (FM) in girls’ category and MBA (General) in boys’ category.
After having their refreshment students enjoyed the most exciting game of the day, i.e., the Paper Dance Competition where a couple had to dance on the paper which was reduced at each stage. Participants really gave a tough competition and finally we had Nishtha Gupta & Sangeeta as winners.
The next and the most entertaining game of the day was Blind Maze, where the player was blind-folded and had to pass a long way of bottles, without breaking the bottles. The other team mate was helping by guiding their partner in the hooting & shouting and chaos created by the students. Kapil Rana, won the game in 57 seconds only.
The Dance & Music society of our university, SWARMUDRA had a series of performances like Ganesh Vandana, Classical Dance performance by Avinesh & Sanya, Lyrical Dance, Solo song performance by Sahil Malhotra and Bhangra which was like icing on the cake.
These performances truly represented the culture of India and the energy that today’s generation possesses. Archisha was full of vibrant events, and spread the message of how gifted we are to have such occasions in our country. The faculty members and students participated in it, actively and enthusiastically. This Mela could not have been possible without the immense support of the Dean, the faculty members and the students.