USMC visit to Narora

Nikita Varma (USMC)
Students of Masters of Journalisms of GGSIPU visited Narora Atomic Power Station on September 11-12, 2014. A very proactive management, through planning, efficient working, inculcation of safety culture, clean and green way to generate electricity was the main highlight of the trip which captivated the students’ mind throughout the trip. During the visit to the training centre of NAPS, a detailed presentation on the Narora Atomic Power Plant and its operations were given to students by Shri Khagesh Chandra Rakesh, one of the engineers of NAPS. Students were also taken to Environmental Survey Lab and were told that radiation level is periodically measured in the surrounding areas of NAPS, independently by the Environment Survey Lab. They were briefed about the functioning and role of environment monitoring towards nuclear safety.
The lab regularly monitors the radiation levels in the air as well as in the environment. Health monitoring of workers and villagers are done by measuring the doses of radiation on regular intervals. They were also communicated about the radioactive waste management facility. It was also highlighted that radiation received from Nuclear Power Plant Station by the people residing in the vicinity is insignificant in comparisons to the background radiation.
On asking Priyanka Bansal, one of the visitors about whether she is convinced with the various positive points given by the management team of NAP, she said; “As we moved forward towards the nuclear station campus, it reminded me of Indian Naval Campus in Mumbai. It was that green plus birds and animals of such species I spotted. We were told that this place is highly guarded by security check posts, at certain distances by CISF. The visit inside the turbine building made me feel proud to see such huge and sophisticated machines being operated by our people. Safety measures are taken for the local villagers and as well as for the employees."
The trip was basically organized to clear the myth and apprehensions that Narora Power Plant is dangerous for the society as well as for the flora and fauna. It has been concluded by the young professionals that it is beneficial in terms of economically viability safety and clean source of electricity generation. The Environmental Survey Lab is an Independent body and their results somehow proved that the radiation emitted by the Power Plant is negligible in comparison with Thermal Power Plant; it is more clean and green.