Anshu Yadav(USCT)
The Literary club of GGSIP University conducted a quiz as a part of “AAZADI-70” the independence celebration week on Wednesday, August 17th, 2016 at 3.30 p.m. Though open to all the University School Students, the event recorded major participation from students of University School of Law and Legal Studies. The quiz, hosted by Sunny Khatri of USLLS, covered topics ranging from political personalities and freedom fighters to patriotic movies and other themes relating to India’s struggle for independence.
All the participants, comprised into teams of two, were provided with tri-color badges upon taking the seat. The preliminary round of the quiz consisted of a pen and paper round, with a strict duration of 10 minutes, followed by a short discussion about the answers of that round. A total of 5 teams proceeded to the next round, which was an impressive one. A song was played and the team had to answer the name of the movie and the lyricist of the song. This round was considered quite tough as none of the team emerged a complete winner; so all the 5 teams qualified to the next round.
In the third round, a folded chit having the name of a freedom fighter was put in a glass box and the team had to recite the slogan associated with the personnel. This round eliminated one more team from the cut-throat competition. During the fourth round, a snap from a patriotic movie was shown and the team had to identify the name of the movie. The lagging team was eliminated at the end of the round.
The fifth round was a gruesome one with three teams fighting for the prize. In this round, a picture of a freedom fighter was shown on the screen and the team not only had to name the fighter but also name a bioscopic made on them. This round consequently yielded a winning duo of Ph.D. students from USBT and the runners-up from USCT. The winners were felicitated on August 22nd, 2016 receiving handsome gifts and a certificate of participation, each.
The quiz did not limit the knowledge to books and objective questions but expanded it to entertainment, active learning and E-commercializing. The fact that a movies section was included in the event made it all the more successful and interesting throughout.
Mohit Singh Nayal, a student of USCT commented, “It was a good experience. I really liked the theme of the event. I’m looking forward for more such astonishing and light- heartening events to come!”