Legal Aid workshop by USLLS Students
By Anukriti Jain(USICT)

26th of November is celebrated as National Law Day in India. This day marks the anniversary of the drafting of the constitution by the constituent assembly in 1949.
As part of the celebrations for this day, the Legal Aid society of USLLS organised its first event, the Legal Help Desk Awareness Program. The event took place in the C Block Auditorium and was convened by Mr. Zubair Khan. USLLS students actively coordinated the entire event.
The participants of this program consisted of third and fourth class employees. All the faculty members of USLLS were also present and they gave an overview of the various rights of the employees. An interactive session was held, where the participating employees keenly asked questions. These questions were promptly answered by the faculty members while providing further information regarding legal rights. In order to effectively help these employees, USLLS students registered complaints at the help desk.
The event was an overall success and many participants expressed their hopes of witnessing more such events in the future.