IEEE organizes Embedded and Web Development workshop
By Anukriti Jain(USICT)

"The benefit of technology is that it empowers people to do what they want to do, to be creative, to learn things they thought they couldn't learn before, to be productive, so in a sense it is all about potential."
To build this potential, IEEE has become functional in USICT, organizing workshops and seminars for the students pursuing B.Tech. On 22nd November, 2014, the IEEE Student Branch of USICT organised introductory workshops on Basics of Web Designing and Sensoduino (Introduction to Arduino. The Workshops were open to all students of USS. The Objective of these workshops was to introduce students' to the subject and teach them the building blocks of the same. Workshops saw an active participation from students of all years of various programmes (MCA, B.Tech).
The Web Designing workshop covered basic HTML and CSS. Students were introduced to various concepts like web hosting etc, procedure to make a website live was also discussed. Sensoduino was a hands-on workshop where students were given an introduction to Arduino board. Differences between a microprocessor and microcontroller, sensors and actuators etc. were discussed. An introduction to programming with Arduino IDE environment was given and students were asked to make and test basic programs like blinking of LED, controlling servo motors and triggering circuits using IR sensors.
The organizers expressed their hopes that students were able learn something new and are able to materialise it in real life applications. Advanced workshops on these topics are expected to be held soon